Can you imagine United States without Abraham Lincoln?

Here are some answers.

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What do you think about the first month of Barack Obama in the White House?

Four historians who participated in C-Span presidential survey answered my questions about the first month of Barack Obama in the office.

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Not the easiest month for Czech EU presidency

You can find a lot of criticism of the Czech EU presidency in the European media (especially in France). For Le Monde is the Czech presidency silent and in the tough time big states have to fill up the political vacuum. For Liberation there is no leadership in EU right now and Czech Rep. is not willing to look for support that can be provided by big countries as it usual.

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The legacy of Ayatollah Khomeini is still in the news

The Iranian Revolution would be different without him. Thirty years ago, on February 1, 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Tehran.

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