Russian operation in divided America

After indictment of 13 Russians President Donald Trump (I would say predictably) tweeted there was no collusion and no impact on elections result. But if you look at Mueller investigation and other available info, and of course, it is still an incomplete picture, what do you see, a successful Russian intelligence operation that was based on exploiting divisiveness of American society and politics? And what are the lessons learned? Read few comments.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump. Credit:

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Trump’s biggest achievement is that he is still in office

Donald Trump won the elections with the slogan MAGA (whatever it means) one year ago. What are his biggest achievements and the biggest failures when you assess his one year after the elections?  Read few comments.

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Mueller’s investigation and Trump’s distraction

Amid first charges in Robert Mueller’s investigation President Donald Trump and his allies are clearly focusing on Hillary Clinton and her alleged misdeeds. How do you read this behavior and how important do you find that we might move into the indictment phase of Mueller’s investigation? Read few comments.

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Donald Trump is the next US President. What just happened in America?

How you read what just happened? And BTW, what do Americans want? Trump run against unpopular Clinton but still. Americans just elected Republican and confirmed GOP Congress in the situation when sitting Democratic President Obama is quite popular and GOP-led Congress very unpopular. Read few comments.

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Trump’s America and Clinton’s America

The Election Day is here. In your view what would Hillary Clinton’s victory mean for the US especially in terms of politics, but maybe also in broader societal sense? And what about Donald Trump’s victory? Read few comments.

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What should the world expect from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump?

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Rigged US election? Really?

Donald Trump is repeatedly saying that elections are rigged, even that Hillary Clinton should not be allowed to run. What is your view on this, is he crossing the line of the democratic process or you see it less dramatic? Read few comments.

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US election: Not just about Clinton vs Trump

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Clinton vs Trump: What will they do in the last week before the election

If we look at the polls Hillary Clinton was basically leading all the time. But situation was/is also pretty volatile. What do you think will be the focus of both candidates in the last week before the election, is it still time for them to also explain their policies to the voters or basically now it is only about attacking the opponent and trying to motivate own supporters? Read few comments.

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Will “negative” Hillary Clinton bring order to chaos?

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