Podcast: Is the far-right ecosystem hiding in plain sight in the US?

I talked to Colin Clarke, Senior Research Fellow at The Soufan Center and Director of Policy and Research at The Soufan Group.

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Podcast: What is the horrible legacy of Anders Breivik?

 I talked to Professor Matthew Feldman, Director of the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right

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How has Anders Breivik affected the extremist right-wing scene?

Ten years ago, on July 22, 2011, Norwegian far-right terrorist Anders Breivik killed 77 people. 

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Why is antisemitsm on the rise?

The world marks 75 years since Auschwitz liberation but it seems that in many countries antisemitism is on the rise. In your opinion, why is this happening? Did the humanity learn nothing from holocaust, from what happened in Auschwitz? Or the lesson is simply fading away? Or antisemitism has evolved in seven decades? Or is it a combination? Read few comments.

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El Paso shooting: Should we expect more far-right terrorist attacks?

We have seen couple of attacks in the US that probably could be described as the acts of a white nationalist, extreme far-right individuals (lone wolfs). What should be a reaction to this and do you see a danger that this far-right terrorist scene might be able and willing to carry out also some more sophisticated, coordinated attacks? Read few comments.
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EP elections: What role will populists play?

Populist, radical, extremist parties will probably become stronger in the European Parliament after the upcoming elections. Many observers say the most visible impact of their rise is that the mainstream parties in many countries adopted their rhetoric (and especially on migration rhetoric was also followed by action) to compete with them over voters. While it is hard to say if those nationalist parties will create a coherent group in the EP, do you think that their influence will be mainly indirect, means that (some) mainstream parties will continue to mimicking their populist rivals? Read few comments.

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What to do with AfD?

AfD can celebrate with a great result in the East Germany and many previously non-voters on its side. No doubt the AfD will be a loud voice in the Bundestag. So how to deal with the AfD? To ostracize them? Talk to them? Something in between? Read few comments.
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Charlottesville: How (un)important is for Trump to keep at least some support of far right extremists?

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Marine Le Pen and the state of European far-right

There is somehow mixed record of populist far-right parties in the current elections in Europe. Austrian Freedom Party candidate lost presidential elections. Dutch Geert Wilders was hardly satisfied with his result, German AfD, though election will take place only in autumn, is losing in the polls. On the other hand French Marine Le Pen is polling on 40 percent which is quite impressive though she is probably going to lose to Emmanuel Macron. European populist far-right is hardly homogeneous but what next for those movements, do you think we might see some changes in their messages, tactics, direction or they will largely stick to the anti-establishment message? Read few comments.

Marine Le Pen. Credit: http://www.frontnational.com/

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What does France believe in?

With Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and François Fillon we have a political newcomer in French presidential elections, far-right and far-left candidate and conservative fighting media. Though polling very low the majority of the other candidates represents fringe and extreme ideas. How do you read this, does it show public is really fed up with the politics as usual, and what does it mean for French society and politics? Read few comments.

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