What’s next for Trump-GOP relations?

How do you see the future of the GOP-Trump relations? Do you think the time may come when the substantial part of the party might try to distance from Trump, or it is unlikely, and why? Read few comments.

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NASA’s Perseverance has landed, the mission begins

The rover’s goal is to study the site in detail for its past conditions and seek the very signs of past life. Perseverance will also test technologies needed for the future human and robotic exploration of Mars. This is what NASA says about the Perseverance Rover mission to Mars. How will this work? Read a few comments.

The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover. Credit: https://mars.nasa.gov/

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Rush Limbaugh presaged the shifts in the GOP that brought us to the era of Trump

What effect has he had on American politics and society and what’s the legacy of the late Rush Limbaugh (1951-2021)?

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Catalonia’s elections: A renewal push for independence?

From your perspective, what do the results of Catalonia’s elections mean for Catalan politics, and for Spanish politics? Is it a step towards the renewal push for independence? Read a few comments.

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Saudi Arabia: Loujain al-Hathloul was released from prison but…

Saudi women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul was released from prison but she is on probation for three years and she will also be banned from traveling for five years. And a score of women’s rights activists stay behind bars. So from your perspective, what does Loujain al-Hathloul’s case say about the approach of Saudi Arabia regime towards women’s rights activists, and perhaps also more broadly towards political dissidents and activists? Read a few comments.

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RIP George Shultz (1920-2021): What is his legacy?

As George Shultz passed away I know it is very complicated to squeeze his life into a few sentences, but in your opinion do you see some long lasting effect of Mr. Shultz on American diplomacy and politics, and is it possible to say what was the brightest hour of his career and perhaps the biggest failure? Read a few comments.

Secretary of State George Shultz, center, with President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush in 1985. Credit: AP Photo/Barry Thumma via https://vienna.usmission.gov/

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What does Trump’s second impeachment mean for American politics?

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How effective are the COVID-19 vaccines?: A case for (cautious) optimism

There are some preliminary studies from Israel indicating that only 0.04% of people caught the virus a week after the second dose and 0.002% needed hospital treatment- How much do think this is a reason for a real optimism, or how cautious we should be when reading such data? Read a few comments.

Credit: Image by Wilfried Pohnke from Pixabay

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Myanmar coup: What just happened and (maybe) what’s next

Aung San Suu Kyi was detained and we are witnessing a military coup in Myanmar. Why do you think the military did this? And what does it mean for Myanmar, any chance that the situation could be reversed? Read a few comments.

Aung San Suu Kyi. Credit: Andrej Matisak

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